Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rocks I Need Help Identifying

Help..... even us rockhounders that have been around a while need some help identifying our finds. I have mostly gone out hounding for Topaz, Gold, Garnets, Dino bones, other fossils and much more. As I am becoming more interested in all rocks and their origins, especially local ones, I am finding myself in a very foriegn land ;) If anyone can help me figure out some finds from time to time I would greatly appreciate it.....

These next 2 pictures are of a rock that cracks it's shell just like an egg. It is very interesting and is hard as can be but breaks. I can peel the shell of it with my fingers. I just don't get it. I haven't broken in to the center yet. It has kindo of a darkish blue to it also. No part of it looks like crystals or anything.

Bluish hues to this also

Next is a spotted rock. Have no idea what it is, but I like it. I also have a blue spotted one. The white parts almost look flakey/shelly... ya you know :)

Or how about this one? Very reddish...pinkish.... and kinda crystaly...... :

very deep red lined in stone?

This almost lime green, creamy but clearish?

Anywhoooooo thank you for any help in advance. Also, I will be putting picks up of my collection of many gems and minerals including Topaz, Trilibites, Malachites, Citrines, Amethyst and more.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere! I was wandering about, visiting various "Rockhounding" blogs, and came across yours. Most promising, indeed. I am in no way an expert in rocks & minerals. I couldn't tell a corundum from a conundrum {:-) , but let me give a few thoughts...

    The 1st 2 pics reminded me of a geode nodule, until I clicked on the them and got a close-up view. They then reminded me of iron nodules I used to find as a kid in the mining country of N Minnesota, especially with the "rust spots" you can see. They're also very similar to concretions (fancy word, hm?) that can be found in my neck of the woods in Canada.

    The 3rd pic...??? Sure is pretty, tho' The kind of rock I like! It looks like it has been water/sand polished. Did you find it on a beach or river shore?

    Both the 4th & 5th shots look like jasper, and I only say that because of the many pics I've seen of jasper whilst doing my rockhound perusal.

    #6, taken from your description and not the photo, a sand/water polished sample of amazonite? The layering that seems to appear in the image, along with the green coloration... well, I'd better stop there before I end up sounding like I know what I'm talking about.

    I truly hope that you continue with this blog. I'd love to see more from NorCal, if only 'cause I have family in the Shasta/I-5 corridor south to Sacto. Perhaps you could inspire me to create my own "Rocks I Like" blog, hehe.

    Keep The Faith*
