These next 2 pictures are of a rock that cracks it's shell just like an egg. It is very interesting and is hard as can be but breaks. I can peel the shell of it with my fingers. I just don't get it. I haven't broken in to the center yet. It has kindo of a darkish blue to it also. No part of it looks like crystals or anything.
Bluish hues to this also
Next is a spotted rock. Have no idea what it is, but I like it. I also have a blue spotted one. The white parts almost look flakey/shelly... ya you know :)
Or how about this one? Very reddish...pinkish.... and kinda crystaly...... :
This almost lime green, creamy but clearish?
Anywhoooooo thank you for any help in advance. Also, I will be putting picks up of my collection of many gems and minerals including Topaz, Trilibites, Malachites, Citrines, Amethyst and more.